This site is practically flat according to the topography measurement, making it quite flexible to develop in any direction, which around this area is mostly sloppy. Most of the site is covered with bushes and trees. There is only a 3.5 m difference between the highest and lowest point on the site.
The main concept in arranging between programs are classifying into 3 Zones; Activity, Consumptive & Service Zone . Activity Zone contains Plaza, Sport Area & Playground. Consumptive Zone equals economic value such as; Hotel, Convenience Store, Food Market & Factory. Service Zone is the supporting facilities to the whole area like Gas Station, Car Wash, ATM Center, Toilet & Mosque.
The “Tie a Ribbon” concept is to celebrate various activities that ties with single connectivity throughout the buildings. This design development is proposed into several stages in construction. A “Journey” is the keyword to define the final phase of this development by adding a continuous covered walkway.