About LAB

LAB–abbreviation for Local Architecture Bureau–thrives on diverse projects, embracing Medium to Large Scale designs across Public, Commercial, and Private sectors. Our philosophy is rooted in local perspectives, explored and expressed experimentally as a Laboratory. We create new possibilities and typologies based on the fusion of functions and aesthetics. LAB engages in a comprehensive process, from think-tank sessions and idea development to research-based studies and realisation. Founded and led by Tan Tik Lam and Gemawang Swaribathoro, LAB is the result of their shared vision. Tan Tik Lam, renowned locally and internationally for shaping Indonesian architectural landscape with a tropical and modern touch, collaborates with Gemawang Swaribathoro’s international experience, infusing a fresh spirit into LAB's projects. LAB blends the expertise of experienced individuals with a passionate team. PT. Loka Asana Binangun (LAB) NIB;


Our partners ; Tan Tik Lam Tan Tik Lam is a self-practicing architect and a founder of Tan Tik Lam Architects in Indonesia. He graduated from Parahyangan Catholic University in 1995 and earned numerous local and international architectural awards from 2002-2009 that include the China Best Design Hotel in 2009 for the Kayumanis Project in Nanjing (CN), an Indonesian Institute of Architects Award, and was a nominator for the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Since 2011, he has served on juries for architectural awards at the national scale and is a regular guest design critic at several universities. He then founded LAB/ Local Architecture Bureau which focuses on Public and civic buildings. Gemawang Swaribathoro Before he founded LAB_Local Architecture Bureau together with Tan Tik Lam, Gemawang began his professional architectural career in Bandung (INA), Singapore, and at the Rem Koolhaas led Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in Rotterdam (NL) and Hong Kong. In 2013 he earned a Masters degree from ENSA Paris La Villette in France after previously earning a Bachelors degree in Indonesia (ITB) and Germany (FH Erfurt). Gemawang's most notable works have been featured in selected local and international media, such as the Cut&Paste exhibition in 2012 at MoMA New York. He is actively involved in Livable cities task force for Indonesian Diaspora Network in Netherlands/ IDN-NL & Indonesian Institute of architects in EU Chapter / IAI-EU. He is also a regularly invited guest lecturer and registered architect in Indonesia.

LAB People

LAB People (Past & Current team) ; Donald Aditya Epiphanius Angga Meigandana Gilang Aji Sagara Adinda Wijaya Putri Wicaksena Dwi Sutrisno Firda Rasyidian Azharr Iskandar Azka Muhammad Rasya Taqiy Yahya Fauzan Makarim Reva Nur Rahmawati Iqbal Rakhasani Kanugrahaning Atiluhur Daffa Koswara Ario Abraham Fikri Sulaiman Sandy Wardhana Shadina Ayu Pramanik Zakaria Hadi Prayoga

RBM Louay Safarilla Hafri Alfian Daren Lang Jason Albert halim Veronica Nathania Alfian Ramadhani Yusuf M. Faishal Rachmadini Melita T Fakhrell Izzan Aditya Rizky Satrio Aji Nugroho Syifa Dwi Andini Randika Anandhika Putra Anastasia Widyaningsih Dhanista Dyaksa Wardono Khrisna Satriya Wibawa Devi Kava Ilham Apriyandi Zaky Muhammad

Rifandi Febrianto Aldo Feandri Fachriza Alif Ajiantama Ludowikus Panduhadi Pangestu Hendri Yana Sudarman Hauzan Irsyad Fauzi Setianingtyas Permatasari Sandy Putranto Yeriel Johan Tidar Albarkah Julia Dahlan Fikri Izza Morian Saspriatnadi Indra Dwi Nugraha Laras Primasari Fath Nadizti Rofianisa Nurdin Adrianna Stranc Christopher Rachmadi Tan
